On May 9, 2023, there was a site initiation meeting on the cooperation network in the C-FREE-CSEA Su-ngai Kolok, Narathiwat province to prepare for the start of a new round of C-FREE-CSEA research projects
C-FREE-CSEA get fully cooperating with local organizations, including Su-ngai Kolok Hospital led by Dr. Kasemsun Wanavanakorn and Dr. Supang Taerahkul, the site Principal Investigator (site PI), and the Together group (Group of people working on harm reduction from substance abuse in Narathiwat).
Su-ngai Kolok District, Narathiwat Province is one area with a high-risk population of hepatitis C. Together DiC Sungai Kolok is one of the existing study sites from previous CFREE study, therefore C-FREE-CSEA has chosen to expand in this area to conduct research by using Sofosbuvir / Ravidasvir for treatment. Furthermore, testing services for hepatitis B, HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STI), and latent tuberculosis (LTBI) are available and ready to transfer to referral hospitals or research centers if the infection is diagnosed.

From left to right: Benjamas Intharabut, Senior Study Coordinator / Sureena Lawseng, Research Nurse / Rosnani Sarif, Research Assistant / Dr. Tanyaporn Wansom, Director of Research and Advocacy / Dr. Supang Taerahkul, Su-ngai Kolok Hospital