Dreamlopments are proud to announce that we have just activated the C-FREE-CSEA study, the continuation of the C-FREE study, of testing and treatment of HIV, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis, for most at risk populations.
C-FREE-CSEA will now use Sofosbuvir/Ravidasvir for treatment of hepatitis C, co-developed by Pharco Pharmaceuticals Ltd and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi).
C-FREE-CSEA will initially involve 12 project sites across Thailand, and is working to further expand in Thailand and other countries.
C-FREE-CSEA is the continuation of C-FREE, which used Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir for treatment of hepatitis C.
C-FREE successfully enrolled 2,872 cohort participants over a 3.5 years period, across 10 community centers, and demonstrated the high demand for and high effectiveness and impact of integrated comprehensive community services for people who use drugs and other risk groups. 28% were infected with HIV, 92% received antiretroviral therapy for HIV, 47% were found to have chronic HCV through C-FREE, 1,132 were started on HCV treatment with Sof/Vel, and 95% were cured from HCV per protocol (92% intent-to-treat analysis).
C-FREE is the collective achievement of a large partner consortium made of Community-Based Organizations, the Thai Ministry of Public Health, government hospitals, research partners, FHI360, Raks Thai Foundation (RTF), with support from the Global Fund through RTF and from USAID through FHI360.
